Summer Individual Programs
mini-week registration
Can’t make it to Naramata for a full program week? We’ve got you covered! Join us for 3 days of Child & Youth programming, drum circles, water slides, concerts on the lawn and more! Want to stay over the weekend? No problem! Just select ‘Add extra nights’ to your accommodation choice to arrive early or […]
The Queer Family Retreat 2025
With Rev. LeAnn Blackert
Welcome to a fun-filled week of joy in the glorious Okanagan Valley, celebrating queer Christian community with friends and family of all ages and life stages! We will gather at Naramata Centre to connect with one another, Creator, the Land and with ourselves, living into our values of belonging, justice and love. We'll find time […]
Queer Family Retreat - Adult Registration Fee
With Rev. LeAnn Blackert
Welcome to a fun-filled week of joy in the glorious Okanagan Valley, celebrating queer Christian community with friends and family of all ages and life stages! We will gather at Naramata Centre to connect with one another, Creator, the Land and with ourselves, living into our values of belonging, justice and love. We'll find time […]
Epicurean Week
With Karen Sutherland
Ages: 19+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $125 Each day of this program will be a module dedicated to understanding your palate, then applying your new-found knowledge! Introduction to How Your Senses Work (Monday, July 14): Better understand how your smell and taste interact with your brain. Answer questions such […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (July 17)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (July 17)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Seeing Life Through Poetry
With Tim Scorer
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $10 Poetry is no short form for sending messages; it’s a language ‘entire unto itself’. We might say that it’s the language of mystery, the language for expressing the inexpressible. It seems as though there is a moment in life when a person […]
Gathering Words of Summer
With Kelsey Andrews
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm ♦ Material Fee $5 Summer (and a week at Naramata in particular) can go by so fast! Let’s gather some impressions, some thoughts, some of that wonderful summer at Naramata energy for later, by writing them down. This five-day in-person workshop is for anyone who wants […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (July 24)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (July 24)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Everything Belongs: Singing and Praying with Chris and Allison
With Allison Rennie and Christopher Giffen
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $10 Join Allison Rennie and Chris Giffen for a week of experience, exploration, and fun through group singing and collective contemplative practice. We hear and talk a lot about the importance of being in community, but we are being formed daily by a […]
Tai Chi
With Margaret Langston
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $5 This shortened and modified Tai Chi is great for beginners, easy to learn and has only fourteen repeated movements. Join with others in experiencing this meditative form of slow flowing movements that increase muscle strength, bone density, range of movement and brings […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (July 31)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (July 31)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Let it Flow Watercolours
With Karin Richter
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $30 Watercolour is a wonderful medium as it allows you to use it for quick sketches, vignettes or serious studio paintings. This course will cover all the aspects of painting in this medium, from reference photography to different painting techniques, composition and design […]
Creating and Sketching with Jane Appleby
With Jane Appleby
Ages: 18+ ♦ Wednesday 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm ♦ Material Fee $5 This fun, outdoor class (weather permitting) will focus on composition and play to be able express in various ways using pens, coloured pencils, conte or pastel and cut paper. Jane will guide you through methods she uses in her painting process and […]
Expressive Watercolour Sketching with Jane Appleby
With Jane Appleby
Ages: 18+ ♦ Thursday 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm ♦ Material Fee $5 Come and enjoy an afternoon inspired by the landscape learning how to express in a creative way first with wedge sharpies and then with watercolours. Jane will guide you through methods she uses in her painting process and how to be open […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (Aug 7)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (Aug 7)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Lift Every Voice
With Liz Paynter
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $40 Sing, dance, move and play! Come to enjoy age and stage-appropriate choral music, and all kinds of other activities, that focus on building our community, sharing our gifts, and strengthening our faith. Friday evening’s concert celebration is always a highlight of the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (Aug 14)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (Aug 14)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Gospel Choir 101
With Lonnie Delisle
Ages: 18+ ♦ M-F 9:45 am - 12:15 pm ♦ Material Fee $20 Lonnie Delisle is the artistic director of Universal Gospel Choir (UGC), Vancouver's longest running community gospel choir. UGC pairs beautiful music with powerful messages of justice and inclusion, and represents a broad spectrum of cultural and faith journeys. Join Lonnie for a […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Adult (Aug 21)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]
Sailing Adventures on Anam Cara- Child 15 and under (Aug 21)
With Robyn and Dan Hines
Thursday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sailing is a life changing experience! You will learn how to read the winds, feel the waves, and guide a large sailing yacht into the open waters of Okanagan Lake. We provide hands-on experience with ample opportunities over four hours to explore the movement and decisions that accompany the […]