Youth Connection - Day Passes (August 12-16)

August 12 - 16, 2024

Date and Time Details:

Time: Monday to Friday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Note: We will be spending time outdoors - please ensure proper attire, with sunscreen already on. Pack a water bottle and snacks.

(877) 996-5751

Grade 7-12 ♦ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Build new friendships through Youth Connection during a week of outdoor activities, creative games, art-making and just hanging together. We build this time around you. So leave any negative pressures behind, bring your ideas and come have fun in an inclusive community that values all that you are.

Please complete a separate registration for each child  who would like to participate,
and be sure to let us know which dates they will be participating
so we can be prepared to welcome them!