Rev Shawn Sanford Beck

Ordained for almost 20 years, I have been designing and leading adult and youth study programs for my whole career. Until several years ago, I was the Education and Training Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon, and designed and facilitated St. Brigit’s School of Discipleship (training non-stipendary priests, deacons, and lay ministers). I have been an online instructor and sessional lecturer for a number of courses in the Saskatoon Theological Union, and am currently the recruitment officer at St. Andrew’s College. I have facilitated monthly full moon ceremonies for interfaith eco-communities for over a decade, and have taught Sophian Druidry and Green Priestcraft in a number of different formats and settings, including online. At heart, I am a theological educator, and nothing gives me more joy than facilitating transformative learning events for spiritual pilgrims!